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Moving Tips

Tips for Planning a Last Minute Move


We don’t need to tell you that life loves to throw curve balls. Suddenly the unexpected happened and now you have to plan a move. Fast. The strain is enough to make some people simply want to throw everything away and start from scratch.


Expedited moving doesn’t have to be stressful. You got this! NYC’s moving experts at Last Minute Moving are here to share their 4 favorite tips.


  1. Write a Thorough Check List

We recommend writing out a comprehensive checklist and keeping careful track of everything you complete as you go. Waiting until the last minute to actually look over the list could mean a massive headache of last minute responsibilities.


Also, don’t forget to put down even the most obvious items like coordinating your own transportation, scheduling extra time for cleaning, or figuring how to move the pets to your new home. With so many things on your mind, it’s easy to forget both the big and the little things.


  1. Don’t Wait Any Longer

It’s already the last minute. Is there really harm in putting it off another day? Absolutely! You’re already likely to encounter higher prices and fewer options with an expedited move. The last thing to want to do is delay the chances of getting whatever deals you might have left.


Even the best services dedicated to safely getting your stuff from Point A to Point B in a pinch might be forced to charge more. Or the moving company that best fits your needs might be booked up. Especially in a crowded place like NYC, even an hour can make all the difference.


  1. Ask For Help

There’s a time and place to DIY your move. Moving in a hurry isn’t one of them. Rushed packing, unreliable movers you called on a whim, or tight timelines can all lead to disaster for your property, and your sanity.


Instead, if you’re in NYC or LA, call on Last Minute Movers. We’ll match you with a professional team dedicated to exceptional customer service and making your move as smooth as possible, no matter the reason or destination.


So you’re stuck planning an expedited move. We won’t pretend that planning any move is a walk in the park. However, attitude can truly change everything. Try to take a deep breath, relax, and be sure to take a few moments for yourself. Clearer heads always make for better decisions, and more positive moving experiences.